

I just remembered that I owned this blog. I have been very negligent, and will again be.
I looked at some of the things that I wrote before, and am kind of embarrased. There are some maturity factors, my drawings look kind of really retarded, and I sound extremely liberal -which I was before.

I honestly feel very much like deteling this blog, but I thought about it and decided that I won't.
I cherish all the footsteps and visits that all of the people paid on this blog, and I would do the same for mine.
In the future, there might be an occasion when I would again remember this blog and be even more embarrased, but I guess I'll have to live with it. LOL

On the other hand, I'm planning to start a new blog.
I hate to do this, but since I do want to re-start blogging and don't want to keep the old and the new on the same page at the same time, I am moving to a new blog.

The URL is http://www.mucho-del-mundo.blogspot.com/.
Why Spanish, all of a sudden?...Who knows?
But whoever wants to keep in touch can always drop by and leave me a note :)

Love y'all!

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