I'm currently reading this book called "Middlesex" by Jeffrey Eugenides. Its title is doubtlessly very interesting and eye-catching, which made me have this irresistable impulse to get it and read it when I saw it in the MPH last Friday(which was 11th of July) :P

And NO, it's not a homosexual or trans-gender thing, it's about a biological tragedy caused by kinship marriages of a family, and bits and pieces of history of Greece and America from 1922. Some parts are kind of educational. Really.
The book is a narrative of a person named Cal, who was born a girl but turned a boy as she(or he) grew up. The narrator asserts that it's all genetic and tells a chronological history of his ancestors, starting from his grandparents, who were siblings.
The disease which turned Cal into a hermaphrodite is called "Gender Identity in 5-Alpha-Reductase Pseudohermaphrodites", - which I have no idea if anything like that actually exists - according to the author, and just like what we've learnt in Bio classes, the gene that contained the faulty allele was a recessive one. However, the fault was visible on her(or rather, him) as she turned a teenager.
Actually, I don't know the rest of the story since I'm still halfway through. It's really a long, very long narrative for a family history. The thing is, that, it's not so boring as you may expect.
The whole story is very well developed(so far) and it well has an interesting flow of the events. Except the first few pages where the narrator briefly tells about his popularity among biologists and physicians - which I really couldn't catch in the beginning -, it's all so amazingly comprehensible albeit its professional uses of vocabularies and unbelieveable events(which most of us do not usually see, like: war, slaughters, illiterate soldiers raping doctor's daughters and then cutting their breasts off, and of course, sibling-marriages). And the author's descriptive language is almost wonderful(it's usually American and sometimes Homeric).
The pic above is the final piece for the 2nd term Art&Design paper 2.
She a friend(an ex-classmate)of Cho Hee's, and if I trail back, a friend of a friend of my friend(not Cho Hee of course). Because she is a costume player, the links somehow met :P(However she doesn't know of my existancy)
It's pretty well done(The camera lense tilted and distorted the whole thing a bit but it looks better if you actually see it) and Mr Mo wanted to put this pic up on the bulletin in the hallway.. but I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" because, kind of obviously, I feel bad about a person's face drawn, painted, and hung on a school bulletin without the model knowing it.
I'm gonna feel like a stalker if Mr Mo didn't give back the pic. However, in stead, my own face drawn by myself in cartoon style is(are; including the supportings) hung up there now. It's terribly embarrasing and I have to draw another pic to bring it down!!!!!(Ugh, why didn't I draw a random celebrity???)
This is a cross-stitch of a yellow rose which I managed to finish in 3 days; from 10~12 of Jul(Thuresday to Saturday), first 2 days being still during the exams. It was extremely fun although I stayed up until like 1 a.m. doing this when I was supposed to study, and again, a funny thing happened; I almost lost interest in it as soon as the exam was finished! LOL ;P
However I did another one - sth like a keychain - for Laura yesterday, because I knew she'd get a whole bunch of pig dolls from all the other ppl and she was kind of impressed when she saw my rose the other day and indeed, liked it :)
Of course she liked it and I received like, 2 kisses from her in return... *blush* Happy birthday, Laura!
Urm, another random thing. I have a friend who looks like Alicia Keys back in Egypt. I just so suddenly realised that while watching MTV yesterday. She's a half-blood Korean, her father being an Italian. I hadn't been in touch with her for a while, but it'd be nice to visit her facebook again once in a while.
And like always, sorry for not k.i.t. all the time :P
(I really want to update more often, but I just can't somehow.)
Can you please tag me if you have a link to my blog on your blogs so that I can link you back? I really gotta have all the links but it's hard to decide where to begin with. tks!
The book sounds rather interesting.
ReplyDeleteLol you're right about putting about drawings of people and them not knowing about it... but I guess it happens a lot esp with celebs hehe. That painting I did of my model friend is one of the artworks on display outside the art rooms. But well my friend knows that I painted her so it's not the same I guess.
Hey it's so unfair that all your artwork gets put up after I leave!!! I don't get to see it now... =(
Keep updating please!!! ^^
Or I'll never know what's going on with you =P