
Stuff to talk about

I've started reading a new book!

But I'm reading it in Korean version cause it's what I've got.

The Gospel itself is rather shocking because it asserts that Judas deceived Jesus because someone had to sacrifice Jesus' body to free His spirit from this world, and Judas was the chosen one among the deciples. The scary thing is that it says that Jesus taught Judas in private the secret knowledge and understanding of this universe and it says that this world which we live in is created by an evil angel(or god) called Nebro(meaning, the Deceiver), and thus for the descendants of Seth to escape from this world - which is corrupt and full of evil - and enter the Aeon of Eternity, they must have the knowledge of the real and almighty God. It's scary in a sense that 'Creator God' of this world is neither a supreme being or inherently good, and the philosophy of the Gospel of Judas is quite alien and different from any of the content in neither OT nor NT. It is said to be written by a group of Sethian gnocists in approx. before 180 A.D. Well, I'd better stick with what they taught me. There's gotta be reasons why they don't tell the common believers about those apocryphas. They could, in fact, be dangerous for us, whose faith isn't so settled and so. Another thing; I should've gone to Barnaby's birthday lunch thingie at 1 but I thought I had a church praise&worship team meeting at like 1:30. Although it turned out that it's on next week, not today, I've been terribly sick this morning and still not well until now. And my damn brother's been irritating me like hell while we were having our lunch at home(he never seems to get his filthy hands off my stuff) and we had a row, quarrel, and shouting. Consequence? We both got shushed by Daddy, even though it was appearant that the fault was on my stupid bro. Mum was like, 'You shan't have mentioned that while eating. You could've just told him to give it back later.' It really stinks to be the first-born. I'm all-right with patience. But do I have to have endarance too??? I HATE MY BROTHER. Gosh. Plus I'm really looking forward for this year's WCG. I'll be held at Germany this year!!! WCG 2008 Official Promo Video

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